Friday, November 30, 2007


UNIT-I : Momentum transfer:
Momentum transfer in bioprocess, comparison with other transport processes, effect of flow
properties in momentum transfer and oxygen mass transfer.
UNIT-II: Oxygen transport-I
Oxygen transport to microbial cultures- Gas liquid mass transfer fundamentals, oxygen requirement
of microbial cultures. Oxygen requirements of microbial cultures oxygen mass
transfer fundamentals. oxygen transfer and oxygen demand.
UNIT-III : Oxygen transport-II
Oxygen transfer by aeration and agitation. Determination of oxygen mass transfer coefficient
by various methods including dynamic gassing out and oxygen balance methods
UNIT-IV : Momentum transport by agitation:
Power requirements and mixing characteristics of ungassed and gassed systems. Concept
of power number, use of monographs. Defining impeller Reynolds number for Newtonian
and non-Newtonian fluids. Concept of aeration rate to calculate impeller power requirement
of gassed systems.
UNIT-V: Mixing
Mixing and bioreaction interactions – Flow regimes with and without baffles, various types of
impellers and mixing equipment.
UNIT-VI : Scale-up
Scale-up criteria for mixing equipment. Application of mixing in bioprocessing.
UNIT-VII : Heat Transfer-I
Various modes of heat transfer, viz., conduction convection and radiation. Mechanism of
heat transfer by conduction, Fourier’s law. Conductive heat transfer through a series of
UNIT-VIII : Heat Transfer-II
Analogy between heat, mass and momentum transfer. Application of heat transfer in
1. Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, D.G.Rao, Tata Mc Hill (2005)
2. Bioprocess Engineering Principles Paul M. Doran, Academic press (1995).
1. “Biochemical Engineering fundamentals “2nd edition by J E Bailey and D F Ollis, Mc
Graw-Hill (1986).
2. “Biochemical Engineering” by S Aiba, A E Humphrey and N Millis, Prentice- Hall (1978).
3. Bio process Engineering : Basic concepts” 2nd ed., Michaeln L shuler and F Kargi,
Prentice Hall of India (2003).

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