Friday, November 30, 2007


Unit I: Physical Basis of Heredity
Basic laws of inheritance mono-hybrid, dihybrid and tri-hybrid ratios, Modification
of Mendel’s ratios due to gene interaction. Multiple factors of inheritance. Genes
and environment, identification of the genetic materials - classical experiments.
Hershey Chase, Avery McLeod etc,
Unit II: Organization of Genetic material
Packing of DNA, organization of genetic material in prokaryotes, Eukaryotes. Euchromatin
and Heterochromatin organization of Nucleosomes.
Unit III: Linkage & Recombination
Chromosomal inheritance, the concept of linkage, cytological basis of crossing over.
Mechanism of recombination, Transduction phenomena, Methods of transduction,
Generalized, Specialized & Abortive transduction, Bacteriophages - lytic & lysogenic
life cycle Discovery, Detection, Molecular mechanisms of transformation, transformation
methods. Bacterial conjugation.
Unit IV: Mapping
Two point and three point testcrosses and gene mapping. Mapping of genes by
tetrad analysis by mitotic crossing over.
Unit V: Chromosome Structure, Organization & Aberrations
Chromosome morphology, classification, karyotying. Special chromosome, chromosome
aberrations, origins, types and cytogenetic effects.
Unit VI: Sex Determination in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Mechanism of sex determination in insect (Fruit fly) and plants (Melandrium), Sex
factors in bacteria, F and HFr transfer, mechanism of transfer.
Unit VII: Sex Determination in Humans
Sex differentiation and developments in humans, Dosage compensation, Maryleons
hypothesis, Sex linked disorders in human beings – Haemophilia, Fragile-x sndrome,
Down’s syndrome
Unit VIII: Extra Chromosomal Inheritance
Introduction to extra chromosomal inheritance, examples of extra chromosomal
inheritance. Petite phenotypes in yeast. Uniparental inheritance in algae.
1. Principles of Genetics, Gardner EJ, Snustad DP, 2002
2. Genetics by Strickberger.
1. Genetics, Goodenough U, Hold International 1985
2. Genetics by Griffith.
3. Genetics by Brookes.
4. Essentials of Genetics (In genomics prospective), Hartwell, 2003
5. Principles of genetics-Robert H.Tamarin, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Genetics from Genes to Genomes-Leland H.Hartwell, Leroy Hood,
Mc Graw Hill.
7. Concepts of Genetics- Vii edition-Wiliam S.Klug, Michael R. Cummings

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