Friday, November 30, 2007


Application of Engineering principles in biotech Industries-Introduction to unit
operations and unit processes–application of transport phenomenon principles
(momentum, mass and heat transfer) in bioprocessing.
Units and dimensions, basic quantities and derived units. Conversion of units.
Concept of mass and force, definition of gc and its utility. Various equations of state
including ideal gas law to evaluate P-V.T data, their application in process calculations
by solving some numerical problems.
Fluid mechanics- Properties of fluids, fluid statics, energy balance in fluid flow through
pipes and condunits, Bernoulli’s equation and its application, calculation of power
required for pumping fluids. Examples from bioprocessing systems .
Rheology of fluids - Newton’s law of viscosity. Concept of Newtonian and non-
Newtonian fluids- Different types of non-Newtonian fluids with examples in
bioprocessing. Measurement of viscosity using extrusion rheometer, plate and cone
viscometer, coaxial cylinder viscometer etc.
Flow through pipes, average velocity, flow regimes, boundary layer concept. Laminar
and turbulent flow – characterization by Reynold’s number, pressure drop due to
skin friction and form friction, friction factor chart, Hagen -Poiseuille equation. Brief
introduction to flow of compressible fluids.
Flow past immersed bodies: Definition of drag and drag coefficient. Friction in flow
through beds of solids, derivation of friction factor equations and pressure drop
expressions. Introduction of the concept of packed beds. Motion of particles through
fluids, terminal velocity, concept of fluidization, mechanism of fluidization, fluidized
beds and pressure drop in fluidized beds. Correlating the concept of packed beds
and fluidized beds with immobilized bioreactors.
Flow measuring and monitoring systems- valves, bends, elbows, prevention of leaks,
mechanical seals, stuffing box. Flow measuring devices-manometers, orifice meter,
venture meter and rotameter.
Fluid transportation machinery: Different types of pumps, positive displacement
pumps, reciprocating pumps, diaphragm pumps, peristaltic pumps. Calculation of
pump horse power.
1. Introduction to Biochemical Engineering, D.G.Rao, Tata Mc Hill (2005)
2. Bio-process Engineering Principles, Pauline M.Doran. Academic press (1995)
1. Unit operations of chemical engineering,Mc Cabe, W.L, Smith J.C., and Harriot,
P., Mc-Graw Hill, 3rd Ed. (1993).
2. “Technical aspects of the rheological properties of microbial cultures“, - Charles,
M (1978) in Advanmces in Biochemical Engineering, Ghose, T.K., Fiechter, A
and Blakebrough, N.(Eds), Spinger-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 1-62
3. Non-Newtonian Flow and Heat Transfer, Skelland, A.H.P. (1967), John Wiley
and Sons, Inc., Newyork, 27-49.
4. Unit operation in Food processing, Earle, R.L. (1996) Pergamon Press, Oxford,
PP. 212-282.

1 comment:

Unknown said...